Limited-Angle Computed Tomography Reconstruction using Combined FDK-Based Neural Network and U-Net

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Limited-Angle Computed Tomography Reconstruction using Combined FDK-Based Neural Network and U-Net
Limited-Angle Computed Tomography Reconstruction using Combined FDK-Based Neural Network and U-Net
Journal Title:
42nd Annual International Conferences of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
Publication Date:
20 July 2020
The limited-angle cone-beam Computed Tomography (CT) is often used in C-arm for clinical diagnosis with the advantages of cheap cost and radiation dose reduction. However, due to incomplete projection data, the 3-dimensional CT images reconstructed by conventional methods, such as the Feldkamp, Davis and Kres (FDK) algorithm [1], suffer from heavy artifacts and missing features. In this paper, we propose a novel pipeline of neural networks jointly by a FDK-based neural network revisited from W¨urfl et al.’s work [2] and an image domain U-Net to enhance the 3-dimensional reconstruction quality for limited projection sinogram less than 180 degrees, i.e. 145 degrees in our work. Experimental results, on simulated projections of real-scan CTs, show that the proposed pipeline can reduce some of the major artifacts caused by the limited views while keep the key features, with a 16:60% improvement than W¨urfl et al.’s work on peak signal-to-noise ratio.
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Funding Info:
The work is partially supported by grant 152 187 0014/IAF311014N and SIPGA.
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