Tan, A. M. Z., Li, Z., & Gao, H. (2023). Statistical modeling of the effect of chemical inhomogeneity on incipient plasticity in complex concentrated alloys. Physical Review Materials, 7(5). https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevmaterials.7.053601
In recent years, complex concentrated alloys (CCAs), also referred to as medium- or high-entropy alloys, have attracted substantial research interest due to their excellent mechanical properties including high strength, ductility, and toughness. It is known that the chemical inhomogeneity of CCAs gives rise to spatial variations in local properties such as the generalized stacking fault energy (GSFE) surface, which in turn affect their mechanical properties, but how such an inhomogeneity affects dislocation nucleation and incipient plasticity remains largely unknown and unexplored. Here, we develop a physics-informed statistical model for incipient plasticity in CCAs by combining elasticity theory for dislocation nucleation and statistical modeling of nanoindentation. Our model connects a material's fundamental properties to the statistics of incipient plasticity and is validated by the excellent agreement with the statistical data from molecular dynamics simulations of nanoindentation of CrCoNi CCA samples. By accounting for the spatial variation in the local generalized stacking fault energy surface in CCAs, our model captures the key difference in the nanoindentation-induced incipient plasticity response of CCAs compared with a conventional metal (fcc Cu) and also reproduces the trends across CCA samples with different degrees of short-range ordering. Our model also reveals a critical length scale for the underlying GSFE fluctuations which controls the overall statistics of incipient plasticity during nanoindentation of CCAs, which reflects the critical loop size of the underlying dislocation nucleation mechanism.
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Funding Info:
This research / project is supported by the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) - Structural Metals and Alloys Program
Grant Reference no. : A18B1b0061
This research / project is supported by the Nanyang Technological University - Startup grant
Grant Reference no. : 002479-00001