Ernest, T. Z. H., & Madhukumar, A. S. (2023). Age of Information Outage Probability Analysis for Computation Offloading in IIoT Networks. IEEE Communications Letters, 27(9), 2471–2475.
In this paper, the performance characterization of outage probability and age of information (AoI) for computation offloading in multi-access edge computing (MEC)-enabled industrial Internet-of-Things (IIoT) networks is investigated. Through newly obtained cumulative density functions of signalto-interference-plus-noise ratios in the MEC-enabled IIoT network, closed-form AoI outage probability expressions are derived for MEC-based computation offloading (MEC-CO) and cloudonly computation offloading (CLD-CO) protocols assuming Rician fading, base station locations modeled as binomial point processes, and Gamma distributed delays in the wired backhaul. Suitable communication radius and task sizes to enable reliable computation offloading in both rural and urban IIoT scenarios are identified for both MEC-CO and CLD-CO through extensive analysis, where it is shown that MEC-CO attains superior AoI performance over CLD-CO.
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Funding Info:
This research is supported by core funding from: A*STAR Advanced Remanufacturing and Technology Centre (ARTC)
Grant Reference no. : N/A