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12 Apr 2024 SERC Institute of Materials Research and Engineering Silicon Nanoantennas for Ultra‐Compact, High‐Speed and Low‐Power Consumption Electro‐Optic Modulators Lu ding, Shawn Yohanes Siew, Thomas Y. L. Ang, Qiang Li, Shiyang Zhu, Yanyan Zhou, Ramón Paniagua‐Domínguez, Hong‐Son Chu, Soon Thor Lim, Ching Eng Png, Arseniy I. Kuznetsov Laser & Photonics Reviews
14 Jul 2022 BMRC Skin Research Institute of Singapore Arl15 upregulates the TGFβ family signaling by promoting the assembly of the Smad-complex Meng Shi, Hieng Chiong Tie, Mahajan Divyanshu, Xiuping Sun, Yan Zhou, Boon Kim Boh, Leah A Vardy, Lei Lu eLife
4 Mar 2021 SERC Institute of Microelectronics Photonic crystal MEMS emitter for chemical gas sensing Nanxi Li, Qin Chao, Zhonghua Gu, Shiwei Song, Yanyan Zhou, Shaonan Zheng, Linfang Xu, Yun Da Chua, Qingxin Zhang, Hong Cai, Daohua Zhang, Qi Jie Wang, Lennon Y. T. Lee MOEMS and Miniaturized Systems XX
28 Sep 2020 SERC Institute of Microelectronics Metasurface-based subtractive color filter fabricated on a 12-inch glass wafer using a CMOS platform Zhengji Xu, Nanxi Li, Yuan Dong, Yuan Hsing Fu, Ting Hu, Qize Zhong, Yanyan Zhou, Dongdong Li, Shiyang Zhu, Navab Singh Photonics Research
10 Apr 2020 SERC Institute of Microelectronics A Performance Study of Dielectric Metalens with Process-Induced Defects Yanyan Zhou, Ting Hu, Yu Li, Nanxi Li, Yuan Dong, Dongdong Li, Yuan Hsing Fu, Qize Zhong, Zhengji Xu, Shiyang Zhu, Qunying Lin, Navab Singh IEEE Photonics Journal
22 Oct 2019 BMRC Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology Genome-wide Analyses of Chromatin State in Human Mast Cells Reveal Molecular Drivers and Mediators of Allergic and Inflammatory Diseases Gökhan Cildir, John Toubia, Kwok Ho Yip, Mingyan Zhou, Harshita Pant, Pravin Hissaria, Jingxian Zhang, Wanjin Hong, Nirmal Robinson, Michele A. Grimbaldeston, Angel F. Lopez, Vinay Tergaonkar Immunity
3 Feb 2014 BMRC Institute of Medical Biology Genome-wide linkage, exome sequencing and functional analyses identify ABCB6 as the pathogenic gene of dyschromatosis universalis hereditaria Herty Liany, Ishak Darryl Irwan, Jian Liu, Hong Liu, Yi Li, Ken Kwok Hon Hung, Na Wang, Chuan Wang, Xuechao Chen, Donglai Sheng, Xi'an Fu, Kelvin See, Jia Nee Foo, Huiqi Low, Baoqi Yang, Mingfei Chen, Yongxiang Yu, Gongqi Yu, Guiye Niu, Jiabao You, Yan Zhou, Shanshan Ma, Ting Wang, Xiaoxiao Yan, Boon Kee Goh, John E. A. Common, Birgitte E. Lane, Yonghu Sun, Guizhi Zhou, Xianmei Lu, Zhenhua Wang, Hongqing Tian, Yuanhua Cao, Shumin Chen, Qiji Liu, Jianjun Liu, Furen Zhang PLoS ONE
3 Feb 2014 BMRC Genome Institute of Singapore Genome-Wide Linkage, Exome Sequencing and Functional Analyses Identify ABCB6 as the Pathogenic Gene of Dyschromatosis Universalis Hereditaria Na Wang, Hong Liu, Yi Li, Ken Kwok Hon Hung, Chuan Wang, Xuechao Chen, Donglai Sheng, Xi’an Fu, Kelvin See, Jia Nee Foo, Huiqi Low, Herty Liany, Ishak Darryl Irwan, Jian Liu, Baoqi Yang, Mingfei Chen, Yongxiang Yu, Gongqi Yu, Boon Kee Goh, John E. A. Common, Guiye Niu, Jiabao You, Yan Zhou, Shanshan Ma, Ting Wang, Xiaoxiao Yan, Birgitte E. Lane, Yonghu Sun, Guizhi Zhou, Xianmei Lu, Zhenhua Wang, Hongqing Tian, Yuanhua Cao, Shumin Chen, Qiji Liu, Jianjun Liu, Furen Zhang, Mathias Toft PLoS ONE
28 Nov 2013 BMRC Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology Mammalian Mon2/Ysl2 regulates endosome-to-Golgi trafficking but possesses no guanine nucleotide exchange activity toward Arl1 GTPase Divyanshu Mahajan, Boon Kim Boh, Yan Zhou, Li Chen, Tobias Carl Cornvik, Wanjin Hong, Lei Lu Scientific Reports