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13 Apr 2018 BMRC Singapore Bioimaging Consortium Multimodal Imaging Approach to Monitor Browning of Adipose Tissue In Vivo Xin Hui Derryn Chan, Ghayathri Balasundaram, Malini Olivo, Shigeki Sugii, Amalina Binte Ebrahim Attia, Julian L Goggi, Boominathan Ramasamy, Weiping Han Journal of Lipid Research
9 Jan 2018 BMRC Institute of Medical Biology C/EBPβ Mediates RNA Polymerase III-driven Transcription of oncomiR-138 in Malignant Gliomas Federica Di Pascale, Srikanath Nama, Manish Muhuri, Shan Quah, Hisyam M Ismail, Xin Hui Derryn Chan, Gopinath M Sundaram, Rajkumar Ramalingam, Brian Burke, Prabha Sampath
11 Feb 2014 BMRC Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology Identification of Specific Cell-Surface Markers of Adipose-Derived Stem Cells from Subcutaneous and Visceral Fat Depots Weiping Han, Shigeki Sugii, Wee Kiat Ong, Chuen Seng Tan, Kai Li Chan, Grace Gandi Goesantoso, Xin Hui Derryn Chan, Edmund Chan, Jocelyn Yin, Chia Rou Yeo, Chin Meng Khoo, Jimmy Bok Yan So, Asim Shabbir, Sue-Anne Toh Stem Cell Reports
11 Feb 2014 BMRC Singapore Bioimaging Consortium Identification of Specific Cell-Surface Markers of Adipose-Derived Stem Cells from Subcutaneous and Visceral Fat Depots Grace G Goesantoso, Chin Meng Khoo, Jimmy BY So, Asim Shabbir, Sue-Anne Toh, Weiping Han, Chuen Seng Tan, Wee Kiat Ong, Kai Li Chan, Xin Hui Derryn Chan, Edmund Chan, Jocelyn Yin, Chia Rou Yeo, Shigeki Sugii Stem Cell Reports
23 Aug 2012 BMRC Institute of Medical Biology Targeting Glioma Stem Cells by Functional Inhibition of a Prosurvival OncomiR-138 in Malignant Gliomas Xin Hui Derryn Chan, Srikanth Nama, Felicia Gopal, Pamela Rizk, Srinivas Ramasamy, Gopinath Sundaram, Ghim Siong Ow, Ivshina Anna Vladimirovna, Vivek Tanavde, Johannes Haybaeck, Vladimir Kuznetsov, Prabha Sampath Cell Reports