Publication date | Communities | Collections | Article title | Author(s) | Journal/Conference |
6 Feb 2023 | BMRC | Singapore Institute of Food and Biotechnology Innovation | Associations between oral processing, saliva, and bolus properties on daily glucose excursions amongst people at risk of type-2 diabetes | Ai Ting Goh, Jiali Yao, Xin Hui Chua, Clare Whitton, Rob M. van Dam, Ciaran G. Forde | Food & Function |
2 Jan 2021 | BMRC | Singapore Institute of Food and Biotechnology Innovation | Increased oral processing and a slower eating rate increase glycaemic, insulin and satiety responses to a mixed meal tolerance test | Ai Ting Goh, Jie Ying Michelle Choy, Xin Hui Chua, Shalini Ponnalagu, Chin Meng Khoo, Clare Whitton, Rob Martinus van Dam, Ciarán Gerard Forde | European Journal of Nutrition |