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19 Apr 2021 SERC Institute for Infocomm Research Task-related brain functional network reconfigurations relate to motor recovery in chronic subcortical stroke Hsiao-Ju Cheng, Kwun Kei Ng, Xing Qian, Fang Ji, Zhong kang Lu, Wei Peng Teo, Xin Hong, Fatima Ali Nasrallah, Kai Keng Ang, Kai-Hsiang Chuang, Cuntai Guan, Haoyong Yu, Effie Chew, Juan Helen Zhou Scientific Reports
23 Aug 2017 SERC Institute for Infocomm Research Brain plasticity following MI-BCI training combined with tDCS in a randomized trial in chronic subcortical stroke subjects: a preliminary study Xin Hong, Zhong kang Lu, Irvin Teh, Fatima Ali Nasrallah, Wei Peng Teo, Kai Keng Ang, Kok Soon Phua, Cuntai Guan, Effie Chew, Kai-Hsiang Chuang Scientific Reports
16 Aug 2016 BMRC Translational Laboratory in Genetic Medicine Laquinimod rescues striatal, cortical and white matter pathology and results in modest behavioural improvements in the YAC128 model of Huntington disease Marta Garcia-Miralles, Xin Hong, Liang Juin Tan, Nicholas S. Caron, Yihui Huang, Xuan Vinh To, Rachel Yanping Lin, Sonia Franciosi, Spyros Papapetropoulos, Liat Hayardeny, Michael R. Hayden, Kai-Hsiang Chuang, Mahmoud A. Pouladi Scientific Reports
28 Apr 2016 BMRC Translational Laboratory in Genetic Medicine Structural and molecular myelination deficits occur prior to neuronal loss in the YAC128 and BACHD models of Huntington disease Reshmi Rajendran, Arianna Novati, Carsten Calaminus, Olaf Riess, Michael R. Hayden, Huu P. Nguyen, Roy Tang Yi Teo, Xin Hong, Libo Yu-Taeger, Yihui Huang, Liang Juin Tan, Yuanyun Xie, Xuan Vinh To, Ling Guo, Kai-Hsiang Chuang, Mahmoud A. Pouladi Human Molecular Genetics
1 Jul 2014 BMRC Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology Viral Small T Oncoproteins Transform Cells by Alleviating Hippo-Pathway-Mediated Inhibition of the YAP Proto-oncogene Hung Thanh Nguyen, Xin Hong, Sam Tan, Qingfeng Chen, Lifang Chan, Marc Fivaz, Stephen M. Cohen, P. Mathijs Voorhoeve Cell Reports
22 Mar 2012 BMRC Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology Mutual Repression by Bantam miRNA and Capicua Links the EGFR/MAPK and Hippo Pathways in Growth Control Xin Hong, Stephen M. Cohen, Héctor Herranz Current Biology