Publication date | Communities | Collections | Article title | Author(s) | Journal/Conference |
24 May 2019 | BMRC | Bioinformatics Institute | Structure and subunit arrangement of Mycobacterial F1FO ATP synthase and novel features of the unique mycobacterial subunit δ | Neelagandan Kamariah, Roland G. Huber, Wilson Nartey, Shashi Bhushan, Peter J. Bond, Gerard Gruber | Journal of Structural Biology |
24 Sep 2015 | BMRC | Bioinformatics Institute | NMR studies reveal a novel grab and release mechanism for efficient catalysis of the bacterial 2-Cys peroxiredoxin machinery | Wilson Nartey, Sandip Basak, Neelagandan Kamariah, Malathy S. S. Manimekalai, Scott Robson, Gerhard Wagner, Birgit Eisenhaber, Frank Eisenhaber, Gerhard Gruber | FEBS Journal |