Publication date | Communities | Collections | Article title | Author(s) | Journal/Conference |
1 Dec 2017 | SERC | Institute of Chemical and Engineering Sciences | Constrained growth of MoS2 nanosheets within a mesoporous silica shell and its effects on defect sites and catalyst stability for H2S decomposition | Kelvin Mingyao Kwok, Sze Wei Daniel Ong, Luwei Chen, Hua Chun Zeng | ACS Catalysis |
7 Nov 2016 | SERC | Institute of Chemical and Engineering Sciences | The role of metal-support interaction for CO-free hydrogen from low temperature ethanol steam reforming on Rh-Fe catalysts | Catherine K. S. Choong, Luwei Chen, Yonghua Du, Martin Schreyer, Sze Wei Daniel Ong, Chee Kok Poh, Liang Hong, Armando Borgna | Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics |