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21 Aug 2024 BMRC Genome Institute of Singapore Genomic Insights into Idiopathic Granulomatous Mastitis through Whole-Exome Sequencing: A Case Report of Eight Patients Seeu Si Ong, Peh Joo Ho, Alexis Jiaying Khng, Benita Kiat Tee Tan, Qing Ting Tan, Ern Yu Tan, Su-Ming Tan, Thomas Choudary Putti, Swee Ho Lim, Ee Ling Serene Tang, Jingmei Li, Mikael Hartman International Journal of Molecular Sciences
6 Nov 2023 BMRC Genome Institute of Singapore Alterations to DNA methylation patterns induced by chemotherapy treatment are associated with negative impacts on the olfactory pathway Peh Joo Ho, Alexis Jiaying Khng, Benita Kiat-Tee Tan, Geok Hoon Lim, Su-Ming Tan, Veronique Kiak Mien Tan, Ryan Shea Ying Cong Tan, Elaine Hsuen Lim, Philip Tsau-Choong Iau, Ying Jia Chew, Yi Ying Lim, Mikael Hartman, Ern Yu Tan, Jingmei Li Breast Cancer Research
5 Jan 2023 BMRC Genome Institute of Singapore Profiling Microbial Communities in Idiopathic Granulomatous Mastitis Seeu Si Ong, Jia Xu, Choon Kiat Sim, Alexis Jiaying Khng, Peh Joo Ho, Philip Kam Weng Kwan, Aarthi Ravikrishnan, Kiat-Tee Benita Tan, Qing Ting Tan, Ern Yu Tan, Su-Ming Tan, Thomas Choudary Putti, Swee Ho Lim, Ee Ling Serene Tang, Niranjan Nagarajan, Neerja Karnani, Jingmei Li, Mikael Hartman International Journal of Molecular Sciences
4 Aug 2022 BMRC Genome Institute of Singapore Mammography screening is associated with more favourable breast cancer tumour characteristics and better overall survival: case-only analysis of 3739 Asian breast cancer patients Zi Lin Lim, Peh Joo Ho, Alexis Jiaying Khng, Yen Shing Yeoh, Amanda Tse Woon Ong, Benita Kiat Tee Tan, Ern Yu Tan, Su-Ming Tan, Geok Hoon Lim, Jung Ah Lee, Veronique Kiak-Mien Tan, Jesse Hu, Jingmei Li, Mikael Hartman BMC Medicine
31 May 2022 BMRC Genome Institute of Singapore Association between Breast Cancer Polygenic Risk Score and Chemotherapy-Induced Febrile Neutropenia: Null Results Seeu Si Ong, Peh Joo Ho, Alexis Jiaying Khng, Elaine Hsuen Lim, Fuh Yong Wong, Benita Kiat-Tee Tan, Swee Ho Lim, Ern Yu Tan, Su-Ming Tan, Veronique Kiak Mien Tan, Rebecca Dent, Tira Jing Ying Tan, Joanne Ngeow, Preetha Madhukumar, Julie Liana Bte Hamzah, Yirong Sim, Geok Hoon Lim, Jinnie Siyan Pang, Veronica Siton Alcantara, Patrick Mun Yew Chan, Juliana Jia Chuan Chen, Sherwin Kuah, Jaime Chin Mui Seah, Shaik Ahmad Buhari, Siau Wei Tang, Celene Wei Qi Ng, Jingmei Li, Mikael Hartman Cancers
11 May 2022 BMRC Genome Institute of Singapore Relevance of the MHC region for breast cancer susceptibility in Asians Peh Joo Ho, Alexis Jiaying Khng, Benita Kiat-Tee Tan, Ern Yu Tan, Su-Ming Tan, Veronique Kiak Mien Tan, Geok Hoon Lim, Kristan J. Aronson, Tsun L. Chan, Ji-Yeob Choi, Joe Dennis, Weang-Kee Ho, Ming-Feng Hou, Hidemi Ito, Motoki Iwasaki, Esther M. John, Daehee Kang, Sung-Won Kim, Allison W. Kurian, Ava Kwong, Artitaya Lophatananon, Keitaro Matsuo, Nur Aishah Mohd-Taib, Kenneth Muir, Rachel A. Murphy, Sue K. Park, Chen-Yang Shen, Xiao-ou Shu, Soo Hwang Teo, Qin Wang, Taiki Yamaji, Wei Zheng, Manjeet K. Bolla, Alison M. Dunning, Douglas F. Easton, Paul D. P. Pharoah, Mikael Hartman, Jingmei Li Breast Cancer
26 Apr 2022 BMRC Genome Institute of Singapore Overlap of high-risk individuals predicted by family history, and genetic and non-genetic breast cancer risk prediction models: implications for risk stratification Peh Joo Ho, Weang Kee Ho, Alexis J. Khng, Yen Shing Yeoh, Benita Kiat-Tee Tan, Ern Yu Tan, Geok Hoon Lim, Su-Ming Tan, Veronique Kiak Mien Tan, Cheng-Har Yip, Nur-Aishah Mohd-Taib, Fuh Yong Wong, Elaine Hsuen Lim, Joanne Ngeow, Wen Yee Chay, Lester Chee Hao Leong, Wei Sean Yong, Chin Mui Seah, Siau Wei Tang, Celene Wei Qi Ng, Zhiyan Yan, Jung Ah Lee, Kartini Rahmat, Tania Islam, Tiara Hassan, Mei-Chee Tai, Chiea Chuen Khor, Jian-Min Yuan, Woon-Puay Koh, Xueling Sim, Alison M. Dunning, Manjeet K. Bolla, Antonis C. Antoniou, Soo-Hwang Teo, Jingmei Li, Mikael Hartman BMC Medicine
30 Mar 2022 BMRC Genome Institute of Singapore Associations between Pre-Diagnostic Physical Activity with Breast Cancer Characteristics and Survival Zi Lin Lim, Geok Hoon Lim, Peh Joo Ho, Alexis Jiaying Khng, Yen Shing Yeoh, Amanda Tse Woon Ong, Benita Kiat Tee Tan, Ern Yu Tan, Su-Ming Tan, Veronique Kiak-Mien Tan, Jingmei Li, Mikael Hartman Cancers
10 Feb 2022 BMRC Genome Institute of Singapore Predicting the Likelihood of Carrying a BRCA1 or BRCA2 Mutation in Asian Patients With Breast Cancer (Pending publish) Boon Hong Ang, Weang Kee Ho, Eldarina Wijaya, Pui Yoke Kwan, Pei Sze Ng, Sook Yee Yoon, Siti Norhidayu Hasan, Joanna M.C. Lim, Tiara Hassan, Mei-Chee Tai, Jamie Allen, Andrew Lee, Nur Aishah Mohd Taib, Cheng Har Yip, Mikael Hartman, Swee Ho Lim, Ern Yu Tan, Benita K.T. Tan, Su-Ming Tan, Veronique K.M. Tan, Peh Joo Ho, Alexis J. Khng, Alison M. Dunning, Jingmei Li, Douglas F. Easton, Antonis C. Antoniou, Soo Hwang Teo Journal of Clinical Oncology
2 Dec 2021 BMRC Genome Institute of Singapore Germline breast cancer susceptibility genes, tumor characteristics, and survival Peh Joo Ho, Alexis J. Khng, Hui Wen Loh, Weang-Kee Ho, Cheng Har Yip, Nur Aishah Mohd-Taib, Veronique Kiak Mien Tan, Benita Kiat-Tee Tan, Su-Ming Tan, Ern Yu Tan, Swee Ho Lim, Suniza Jamaris, Yirong Sim, Fuh Yong Wong, Joanne Ngeow, Elaine Hsuen Lim, Mei Chee Tai, Eldarina Azfar Wijaya, Soo Chin Lee, Ching Wan Chan, Shaik Ahmad Buhari, Patrick M. Y. Chan, Juliana J. C. Chen, Jaime Chin Mui Seah, Wai Peng Lee, Chi Wei Mok, Geok Hoon Lim, Evan Woo, Sung-Won Kim, Jong Won Lee, Min Hyuk Lee, Sue K. Park, Alison M. Dunning, Douglas F. Easton, Marjanka K. Schmidt, Soo-Hwang Teo, Jingmei Li, Mikael Hartman Genome Medicine