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8 Jun 2015 BMRC Singapore Immunology Network Identification of cDC1- and cDC2-committed DC progenitors reveals early lineage priming at the common DC progenitor stage in the bone marrow Andreas Schlitzer, V Sivakamasundari, Jinmiao Chen, Hermi Rizal Bin Sumatoh, Jaring Schreuder, Josephine Lum, Benoit Malleret, Sanqian Zhang, Anis Larbi, Francesca Zolezzi, Laurent Renia, Michael Poidinger, Shalin Naik, Evan W Newell, Paul Robson, Florent Ginhoux Nature Immunology
6 Dec 2013 BMRC Genome Institute of Singapore Genome-wide association studies and prediction of 17 traits related to phenology, biomass and cell wall composition in the energy grass Miscanthus sinensis Kerrie Farrar, Gancho T. Slavov, Rick Nipper, Paul Robson, Gordon G. Allison, Maurice Bosch, John C. Clifton-Brown, Iain S. Donnison, Elaine Jensen New Phytologist
31 Oct 2013 BMRC Genome Institute of Singapore BCL-XL Mediates the Strong Selective Advantage of a 20q11.21 Amplification Commonly Found in Human Embryonic Stem Cell Cultures Paul Robson, Stuart Avery, Adam J. Hirst, Duncan Baker, Chin Yan Lim, Sharmini Alagaratnam, Rolf I. Skotheim, Ragnhild A. Lothe, Martin F. Pera, Alan Colman, Peter W. Andrews, Barbara B. Knowles Stem Cell Reports
5 Jan 2012 BMRC Genome Institute of Singapore Glycine Decarboxylase Activity Drives Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Tumor-Initiating Cells and Tumorigenesis John Tam, Agasthian Thirugananam, Monireh Soroush Noghabi, Yin Huei Pang, Haw Siang Ang, Wayne Mitchell, Paul Robson, Philipp Kaldis, Ross Andrew Soo, Sanjay Swarup, Elaine Hsuen Lim, Bing Lim, Wen Cai Zhang, Ng Shyh-Chang, He Yang, Amit Rai, Shivshankar Umashankar, Siming Ma, Boon Seng Soh, Li Li Sun, Bee Choo Tai, Min En Nga, Kishore Kumar Bhakoo, Senthil Raja Jayapal, Massimo Nichane, Qiang Yu, Dokeu A. Ahmed, Christie Tan, Wong Poo Sing Cell
23 May 2011 BMRC Genome Institute of Singapore Conversion of Sox17 into a Pluripotency Reprogramming Factor by Reengineering Its Association with Oct4 on DNA Ralf Jauch, Irene Aksoy, Andrew Paul Hutchins, Calista Keow Leng Ng, Xian Feng Tian, Jiaxuan Chen, Paaventhan Palasingam, Paul Robson, Lawrence W. Stanton, Prasanna R. Kolatkar STEM CELLS
20 Apr 2010 BMRC Genome Institute of Singapore Resolution of Cell Fate Decisions Revealed by Single-Cell Gene Expression Analysis from Zygote to Blastocyst Guoji Guo, Mikael Huss, Guo Qing Tong, Chaoyang Wang, Li Li Sun, Neil D. Clarke, Paul Robson Developmental Cell