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24 May 2019 BMRC Bioinformatics Institute Structure and subunit arrangement of Mycobacterial F1FO ATP synthase and novel features of the unique mycobacterial subunit δ Neelagandan Kamariah, Roland G. Huber, Wilson Nartey, Shashi Bhushan, Peter J. Bond, Gerard Gruber Journal of Structural Biology
30 Apr 2019 BMRC Bioinformatics Institute Effect of the additional cysteine 503 of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis (V583) alkylhydroperoxide reductase subunit F (AhpF) and the mechanism of AhpF and subunit C assembling Yew Kwang Toh, Joon Shin, Asha Manikkoth Balakrishna, Neelagandan Kamariah, Ardina Gruber, Frank Eisenhaber, Birgit Eisenhaber, Gerhard Gruber Free Radical Biology and Medicine
20 Sep 2018 BMRC Bioinformatics Institute Molecular mechanism of the Escherichia coli AhpC in the function of a chaperone under heat-shock conditions Neelagandan Kamariah, Birgit Eisenhaber, Frank Eisenhaber, Gerhard Gruber Scientific Reports
21 Feb 2018 BMRC Bioinformatics Institute Active site C P -loop dynamics modulate substrate binding, catalysis, oligomerization, stability, over-oxidation and recycling of 2-Cys Peroxiredoxins Neelagandan Kamariah, Birgit Eisenhaber, Frank Eisenhaber, Gerhard Gruber Free Radical Biology and Medicine
28 Nov 2016 BMRC Bioinformatics Institute Transition steps in peroxide reduction and a molecular switch for peroxide robustness of prokaryotic peroxiredoxins Neelagandan Kamariah, Mun Foong Sek, Birgit Eisenhaber, Frank Eisenhaber, Gerhard Gruber Scientific Reports
24 Sep 2015 BMRC Bioinformatics Institute NMR studies reveal a novel grab and release mechanism for efficient catalysis of the bacterial 2-Cys peroxiredoxin machinery Wilson Nartey, Sandip Basak, Neelagandan Kamariah, Malathy S. S. Manimekalai, Scott Robson, Gerhard Wagner, Birgit Eisenhaber, Frank Eisenhaber, Gerhard Gruber FEBS Journal
29 May 2015 Others Experimental Drug Development Centre Structural transition in Bcl-xL and its potential association with mitochondrial calcium ion transport. Hui Ting Toh, CongBao Kang, Neelagandan Kamariah, Chi Li, Kwanghee Baek, Huiya Huang, Carl White, Sreekanth Rajan, Minjoo Choi, Quoc Toan Nguyen, Hong Ye, Gerhard Gruber, Ho Sup Yoon Scientific Reports