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26 Jul 2019 BMRC Singapore Immunology Network CSF-1 controls cerebellar microglia and is required for motor function and social interaction Veronika Kana, Fiona A. Desland, Maria Casanova-Acebes, Pinar Ayata, Ana Badimon, Elisa Nabel, Kazuhiko Yamamuro, Marjolein Sneeboer, I-Li Tan, Meghan E. Flanigan, Samuel A. Rose, Christie Chang, Andrew Leader, Hortense Le Bourhis, Eric S. Sweet, Navpreet Tung, Aleksandra Wroblewska, Yonit Lavin, Peter See, Alessia Baccarini, Florent Ginhoux, Violeta Chitu, E. Richard Stanley, Scott J. Russo, Zhenyu Yue, Brian D. Brown, Alexandra L. Joyner, Lotje D. De Witte, Hirofumi Morishita, Anne Schaefer, Miriam Merad Journal of Experimental Medicine
5 Mar 2019 BMRC Singapore Immunology Network Microglial Functionality Varies by Niche in Retinal Homeostasis and Degeneration Emily G. O’Koren, Chen Yu, Mikael Klingeborn, Alicia Y. W. Wong, Cameron L. Prigge, Rose Mathew, Joan Kalnitsky, Rasha A. Msallam, Aymeric Silvin, Jeremy N. Kay, Catherine Bowes Rickman, Vadim Y. Arshavsky, Florent Ginhoux, Miriam Merad, Daniel R. Saban Immunity
9 Jun 2015 BMRC Singapore Immunology Network DC-SIGN+ Macrophages Control the Induction of Transplantation Tolerance Patricia Conde, Mercedes Rodriguez, William van der Touw, Ana Jimenez, Matthew Burns, Jennifer Miller, Manisha Brahmachary, Hui-ming Chen, Peter Boros, Francisco Rausell-Palamos, Tae Jin Yun, Paloma Riquelme, Alberto Rastrojo, Begoña Aguado, Joan Stein-Streilein, Masato Tanaka, Lan Zhou, Junfeng Zhang, Todd L. Lowary, Florent Ginhoux, Chae Gyu Park, Cheolho Cheong, Joshua Brody, Shannon J. Turley, Sergio A. Lira, Vincenzo Bronte, Siamon Gordon, Peter S. Heeger, Miriam Merad, James Hutchinson, Shu-Hsia Chen, Jordi Ochando Immunity
21 Apr 2015 BMRC Singapore Immunology Network C-Myb+ Erythro-Myeloid Progenitor-Derived Fetal Monocytes Give Rise to Adult Tissue-Resident Macrophages Guillaume Hoeffel, Jinmiao Chen, Peter See, Anna E. Beaudin, Yonit Lavin, Donovan Low, Francisca F. Almeida, Josephine Lum, Ivy Low, E. Camilla Forsberg, Michael Poidinger, Francesca Zolezzi, Anis Larbi, Lai Guan Ng, Jerry K.Y. Chan, Melanie Greter, Burkhard Becher, Igor M. Samokhvalov, Miriam Merad, Florent Ginhoux Immunity