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11 Nov 2022 BMRC Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences Maternal polyunsaturated fatty acids and allergic disease development in the offspring Ruyu Li, Hui Xing Lau, Qai Ven Yap, Yiong Huak Chan, Elizabeth Huiwen Tham, Anne Eng Neo Goh, Hugo Van Bever, Johan Gunnar Eriksson, Shiao‐Yng Chan, Kok Hian Tan, Yap Seng Chong, Bee Wah Lee, Lynette Pei‐chi Shek, Fabian Kok Peng Yap, Philip C. Calder, Keith M. Godfrey, Mary Foong‐Fong Chong, Evelyn Xiu Ling Loo Pediatric Allergy and Immunology
26 Jul 2021 BMRC Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences Household environmental microbiota influences early‐life eczema development Le Duc Huy Ta, Carina Jing Xuan Tay, Christophe Lay, Paola Florez De Sessions, Cheryl Pei Ting Tan, Michelle Jia Yu Tay, Hui Xing Lau, Atiqa Binte Zulkifli, Gaik Chin Yap, Elizabeth Huiwen Tham, Eliza Xin Pei Ho, Anne Eng Neo Goh, Keith M Godfrey, Johan G Eriksson, Jan Knol, Peter D Gluckman, Yap Seng Chong, Jerry Kok Yen Chan, Kok Hian Tan, Kok Wee Chong, Si Hui Goh, Zai Ru Cheng, Bee Wah Lee, Lynette Pei‐chi Shek, Evelyn Xiu Ling Loo Environmental Microbiology
26 Jul 2021 BMRC Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences Atopic dermatitis trajectories to age 8 years in the GUSTO cohort Noor H. A. Suaini, Gaik Chin Yap, Do Phuong Tung Bui, Evelyn Xiu Ling Loo, Anne Eng Neo Goh, Oon Hoe Teoh, Kok Hian Tan, Keith M. Godfrey, Bee Wah Lee, Lynette Pei‐chi Shek, Hugo Van Bever, Yap Seng Chong, Elizabeth Huiwen Tham Clinical and Experimental Allergy
22 Mar 2021 BMRC Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences Children of Asian ethnicity in Australia have higher risk of food allergy and early‐onset eczema than those in Singapore Noor H. A. Suaini, Evelyn Xiu‐Ling Loo, Rachel L. Peters, Gaik Chin Yap, Katrina J. Allen, Hugo Van Bever, David J. Martino, Anne Eng Neo Goh, Shyamali C. Dharmage, Marjorelee T. Colega, Mary Foong Fong Chong, Anne‐Louise Ponsonby, Kok Hian Tan, Mimi L. K. Tang, Keith M. Godfrey, Bee Wah Lee, Lynette Pei‐chi Shek, Jennifer J. Koplin, Elizabeth Huiwen Tham Allergy
9 Mar 2021 BMRC Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences House dust mite sensitization, eczema, and wheeze increase risk of shellfish sensitization Evelyn Xiu Ling Loo, Hui Xing Lau, Noor Hidayatul Aini Suaini, Lydia Su Yin Wong, Anne Eng Neo Goh, Oon Hoe Teoh, Hugo PS Van Bever, Lynette Pei‐chi Shek, Bee Wah Lee, Kok Hian Tan, Keith M. Godfrey, Johan Gunnar Eriksson, Yap Seng Chong, Elizabeth Huiwen Tham Pediatric Allergy and Immunology
19 Oct 2018 BMRC Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences Associations between maternal vitamin D levels during pregnancy and allergic outcomes in the offspring in the first 5 years of life Keith M. Godfrey, Hugo Van Bever, Evelyn Xiu Ling Loo, Elizabeth Huiwen Tham, Kee Wei Phang, Anne Goh, Oon Hoe Teoh, Yap Seng Chong, Peter D. Gluckman, Bee Wah Lee, Mary Foong‐Fong Chong, Lynette Pei‐chi Shek Pediatric Allergy and Immunology