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3 May 2016 BMRC Singapore Bioimaging Consortium High nuclearity carbonyl clusters as near-IR contrast agents for photoacoustic in vivo imaging Zhiyong Lam, Ghayathri Balasundaram, Kien Voon Kong, Bo Yang Chor, Douglas Goh, Bahareh Khezri, Richard D. Webster, Weng Kee Leong, Malini Olivo Journal of Materials Chemistry B
12 May 2015 BMRC Singapore Bioimaging Consortium Sensitive surface enhanced Raman scattering multiplexed detection of matrix metalloproteinase 2 and 7 cancer markers Tianxun Gong, Kien Voon Kong, Douglas Goh, Malini Olivo, Ken-Tye Yong Biomedical Optics Express
30 Aug 2014 BMRC Singapore Bioimaging Consortium Novel Biodegradable Polymer Tethered Platinum (II) for Photoacoustic Imaging Kien Voon Kong, Lun-De Liao, Douglas Goh, Nitish V Thakor, Malini Olivo Journal of Nanomedicine & Nanotechnology
23 Jan 2014 BMRC Singapore Bioimaging Consortium Design and fabrication of random silver films as substrate for SERS based nano-stress sensing of proteins Jayakumar Perumal, Kien Voon Kong, U. S. Dinish, Reuben M. Bakker, Malini Olivo RSC Advances
21 Jan 2014 BMRC Singapore Bioimaging Consortium Organometallic carbonyl clusters: a new class of contrast agents for photoacoustic cerebral vascular imaging Kien Voon Kong, Lun-De Liao, Zhiyong Lam, Nitish V. Thakor, Weng Kee Leong, Malini Olivo Chemical Communications
16 Jan 2014 BMRC Singapore Bioimaging Consortium Sensitive SERS glucose sensing in biological media using alkyne functionalized boronic acid on planar substrates Kien Voon Kong, Chris Jun Hui Ho, Tianxun Gong, Weber Kam On Lau, Malini Olivo Biosensors and Bioelectronics
31 Oct 2013 BMRC Singapore Bioimaging Consortium Sensitive SERS-pH sensing in biological media using metal carbonyl functionalized planar substrates Kien Voon Kong, U.S. Dinish, Weber Kam On Lau, Malini Olivo Biosensors and Bioelectronics