Publication date | Communities | Collections | Article title | Author(s) | Journal/Conference |
27 May 2015 | Others | Experimental Drug Development Centre | Discovery of dengue virus NS4B inhibitors | Qing-Yin Wang, Hongping Dong, Bin Zou, CongBao Kang, Karuna Ratna, Kah Fei Wan, Agatha Susila, Andy Yip, Chao Shan, Julien Lescar, Francesca Blasco, Paul Smith, Pei-Yong Shi | Journal of Virology |
26 Mar 2010 | BMRC | Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology | A Soluble Form of the Pilus Protein FimA Targets the VDAC-Hexokinase Complex at Mitochondria to Suppress Host Cell Apoptosis | Sunil K. Sukumaran, Nai Yang Fu, Chua Boon Tin, Kah Fei Wan, San San Lee, Victor C. Yu | Molecular Cell |