Publication date | Communities | Collections | Article title | Author(s) | Journal/Conference |
18 Dec 2019 | BMRC | Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology | CETSA-based target engagement of taxanes as biomarkers for efficacy and resistance | Anette Langebäck, Smaranda Bacanu, Henriette Laursen, Lisanne Mout, Takahiro Seki, Sigrun Erkens-Schulze, Anderson Daniel Ramos, Anna Berggren, Yihai Cao, Johan Hartman, Wytske van Weerden, Jonas Bergh, Pär Nordlund, Sara Lööf | Scientific Reports |
28 Feb 2019 | BMRC | Genome Institute of Singapore | The long-term prognostic and predictive capacity of cyclin D1 gene amplification in 2305 breast tumours. | Arian Lundberg, Jingmei Li, Linda S. Lindström, J. Chuck Harrell, Eva Darai-Ramqvist, Emmanouil G. Sifakis, Theodoros Foukakis, Charles M. Perou, Kamila Czene, Jonas Bergh, Nicholas P. Tobin | Breast Cancer Research |