Publication date | Communities | Collections | Article title | Author(s) | Journal/Conference |
26 May 2019 | BMRC | Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology | HNF4A Haploinsufficiency in MODY1 Abrogates Liver and Pancreas Differentiation from Patient-Derived Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells | Natasha Hui Jin Ng, Joanita Binte Jasmen, Chang Siang Lim, Hwee Hui Lau, Vidhya Gomathi Krishnan, Juned Kadiwala, Rohit N. Kulkarni, Helge Ræder, Ludovic Vallier, Shawn Hoon, Adrian Kee Keong Teo | iScience |
23 Nov 2017 | BMRC | Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology | The molecular functions of hepatocyte nuclear factors – In and beyond the liver | Hwee Hui Lau, Natasha Hui Jin Ng, Larry Sai Weng Loo, Joanita Binte Jasmen, Adrian Kee Keong Teo Teo | Journal of Hepatology |
23 Nov 2017 | BMRC | Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology | The molecular functions of hepatocyte nuclear factors – in and beyond the liver | Hwee Hui Lau, Natasha Hui Jin Ng, Larry Sai Weng Loo, Joanita Binte Jasmen, Adrian Kee Keong Teo | Journal of Hepatology |