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25 Jun 2022 BMRC Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences Evaluation of preconception dietary patterns among women enrolled in a multi-site study Shan Xuan Lim, Vanessa Cox, Natasha Rodrigues, Marjorelee T Colega, Sheila J Barton, Caroline E Childs, Cathryn A Conlon, Clare R Wall, Wayne S Cutfield, Shiao-Yng Chan, Keith M Godfrey, Mary F-F Chong, Current Developments in Nutrition
4 Dec 2021 BMRC Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences Prepregnancy adherence to plant-based diet indices and exploratory dietary patterns in relation to fecundability Shan Xuan Lim, See Ling Loy, Marjorelee T Colega, Jun Shi Lai, Keith M Godfrey, Yung Seng Lee, Kok Hian Tan, Fabian Yap, Lynette Pei-chi Shek, Yap Seng Chong, Johan G Eriksson, Jerry Kok Yen Chan, Shiao-Yng Chan, Mary Foong-Fong Chong The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
7 May 2021 BMRC Genome Institute of Singapore Computer and Statistical Analysis of Transcription Factor Binding and Chromatin Modifications by ChIP-seq data in Embryonic Stem Cell Yuriy Orlov, Han Xu, Dmitri Afonnikov, Bing Lim, Jian-Chien Heng, Ping Yuan, Ming Chen, Junli Yan, Neil Clarke, Nina Orlova, Mikael Huss, Konstantin Gunbin, Nikolay Podkolodnyy, Huck-Hui Ng Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics
22 Mar 2021 BMRC Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences Identification and reproducibility of dietary patterns assessed with a FFQ among women planning pregnancy Shan Xuan Lim, Marjorelee T Colega, M Na’im M Ayob, Sian M Robinson, Keith M Godfrey, Jonathan Y Bernard, Yung Seng Lee, Kok Hian Tan, Fabian Yap, Lynette PC Shek, Yap Seng Chong, Johan G Eriksson, Jerry KY Chan, Shiao Yng Chan, Mary FF Chong Public Health Nutrition