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Publication date Communities Collections Article title Author(s) Journal/Conference
15 Mar 2021 SERC Institute of Microelectronics Wafer-Scale Encapsulated Saw Temperature and Pressure Sensors for Harsh Environments Eldwin J. Ng, Jaibir Sharma, Eva Wai Leong Ching, Guoqiang Wu, Didier Pohl, Olivier Vancauwenberghe 2021 IEEE 34th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS)
17 Aug 2020 SERC Institute of Microelectronics Considerations for an 8-inch Wafer-level CMOS compatible AlN Pyroelectric 5-14 um wavelength IR detector towards miniature integrated photonics gas sensors Doris K. T. Ng, Guoqiang Wu, Tan-Tan Zhang, Linfang Xu, Jianbo Sun, Wing-Wai Chung, Hong Cai, Qingxin Zhang, Navab Singh IEEE Xplore
1 Apr 2018 SERC Institute of Microelectronics Wafer-Level Vacuum-Packaged High Performance AlN-on-SOI Piezoelectric Resonator for Sub-100 MHz Oscillator Applications Guoqiang Wu, Jinghui Xu, Xiaolin Zhang, Nan Wang, Danlei Yan, Jayce Lay Keng Lim, Yao Zhu, Wei Li, Yuandong Gu IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
25 Mar 2017 SERC Institute of Microelectronics A dual-mass fully decoupled MEMS gyroscope with wide bandwidthand high linearity Guoqiang Wu, Geng Li Chua, Yuandong Gu Sensors and Actuators A: Physical
8 Jul 2016 SERC Institute of Microelectronics GHz spurious mode free AlN lamb wave resonator with high figure of merit using one dimensional phononic crystal tethers Chengliang Sun, Guoqiang Wu, Yao Zhu, Srinivas Merugu, Nan Wang, Yuandong Gu Applied Physics Letters
20 May 2016 SERC Institute of Microelectronics Methods for precisely controlling the residual stress and temperature coefficient of the frequency of a MEMS resonator based on an AlN cavity silicon-on-insulator platform Nan Wang, Jinghui Xu, Xiaolin Zhang, Guoqiang Wu, Yao Zhu, Wei Li, Alex Yuandong Gu Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering