Publication date | Communities | Collections | Article title | Author(s) | Journal/Conference |
8 Dec 2023 | BMRC | Skin Research Institute of Singapore | Automated Electrical Stimulation Therapy Accelerates Re-Epithelialization in a Three-Dimensional In Vitro Human Skin Wound Model | Priscilla L.K. Lim, Yamini Balakrishnan, Gracia Goh, Khek-Chian Tham, Yi Zhen Ng, Declan P. Lunny, David I. Leavesley, Carine Bonnard | Advances in Wound Care |
26 May 2023 | BMRC | Skin Research Lab | In vitro quantification of pigment production and transfer in 2D co-cultures and 3D skin organotypic | Rachel Phua, Tracy Zhijun Tien, Gracia Goh, Nikolaos Pantelireis, Kenice Siew Hoon Sim, Jamien Lim, Carlos Clavel | STAR Protocols |