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17 Jun 2019 BMRC Bioinformatics Institute Targeted covalent inhibitors of MDM2 using electrophile-bearing stapled peptides Jiraborrirak Charoenpattarapreeda, Yaw Sing Tan, Jessica Iegre, Stephen J. Walsh, Elaine Fowler, Rohan Eapen, Yuteng Wu, Hannah F. Sore, Chandra S. Verma, Laura Itzhaki, David R. Spring Chemical Communications
9 Apr 2019 BMRC Bioinformatics Institute Efficient development of stable and highly functionalised peptides targeting the CK2α/CK2β protein–protein interaction† Jessica Iegre, Paul Brear, David J. Baker, Yaw Sing Tan, Eleanor L. Atkinson, Hannah F. Sore, Daniel H. O' Donovan, Chandra S. Verma, Marko Hyvonen, David R. Spring Chemical Science
25 Apr 2018 BMRC Bioinformatics Institute Stapled peptides as a new technology to investigate protein-protein interactions in human platelets Jessica Iegre, Niaz S. Ahmed, Josephine S. Gaynord, Yuteng Wu, Kara M. Herlihy, Yaw Sing Tan, Maria E. Lopes-Pires, Rupam Jha, Yu Heng Lau, Hannah F. Sore, Chandra Verma, Daniel H. O' Donovan, Nicholas Pugh, David R. Spring Chemical Science
25 Apr 2018 BMRC Bioinformatics Institute Stapled peptides as a new technology to investigate protein-protein interactions in human platelets Jessica Legre, Niaz S. Ahmed, Josephine S. Gaynord, Yuteng Wu, Kara M. Herlihy, Yaw Sing Tan, Maria E. Lopes-Pires, Rupam Jha, Yu Heng Lau, Hannah F. Sore, Chandra Verma, Daniel H. O'Donovan, Nicholas Pugh, David R. Spring Chemical Science
13 Jan 2017 BMRC Bioinformatics Institute Macrocyclized extended peptides: Inhibiting the substrate-recognition domain of tankyrase Yu Heng Lau, Gerhard Fischer, Yaw Sing Tan, Anasuya Chattopadhyay, Marc de la Roche, Marko Hyvonen, Chandra S. Verma, David R. Spring, Laura S. Itzhaki, Wenshu Xu Journal of the American Chemical Society
5 Dec 2016 BMRC Bioinformatics Institute Development of Cell-Permeable, Non-Helical Constrained Peptides to Target a Key Protein-Protein Interaction in Ovarian Cancer Mareike M. Wiedmann, Yaw Sing Tan, Yuteng Wu, Shintaro Aibara, Wenshu Xu, Hannah F. Sore, Chandra S. Verma, Laura Itzhaki, Murray Stewart, James D. Brenton, David R. Spring Angewandte Chemie International Edition
10 Mar 2014 BMRC Bioinformatics Institute Functionalised staple linkages for modulating the cellular activity of stapled peptides Yu Heng Lau, Peterson de Andrade, Soo-Tng Quah, Maxim Rossmann, Luca Laraia, Niklas Skold, Tze Jing Sum, Pamela J.E. Rowling, Thomas L. Joseph, Chandra Verma, Marko Hyvonen, Laura S. Itzhaki, Ashok R. Venkitaraman, Christopher J. Brown, David P. Lane, David R. Spring Chemical Science