Publication date | Communities | Collections | Article title | Author(s) | Journal/Conference |
18 Mar 2021 | SERC | Institute for Infocomm Research | An Optimal Controller Synthesis for Longitudinal Control of Platoons with Communication Scenarios in Urban Environments and Highways | Anuj Abraham, Nagacharan Teja, Soumya Dasgupta, Apratim Choudhury, Justin Dauwels | SAE International Journal of Connected and Automated Vehicles |
19 Dec 2020 | SERC | Institute for Infocomm Research | Design of Platoon Controller with V2V Communication for Highways (Pending publish) | Anuj Abraham, Nagacharan Teja Tangirala, Pranjal Vyas, Apratim Choudhury, Justin Dauwels | Augmented Intelligence Toward Smart Vehicular Applications |
19 Dec 2020 | SERC | Institute for Infocomm Research | A comprehensive simulation environment for testing the applications of a V2X infrastructure | Chetan Belagal Math, Apratim Choudhury, Tomasz Maszczyk, Hong Li, Justin Dauwels | Augmented Intelligence Toward Smart Vehicular Applications |