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23 Feb 2023 BMRC Singapore Institute of Food and Biotechnology Innovation Combined effect of eating speed instructions and food texture modification on eating rate, appetite and later food intake Meg Wallace, Hannah O'Hara, Sinead Watson, Ai Ting Goh, Ciaran G. Forde, Gerry McKenna, Jayne V. Woodside Appetite
6 Feb 2023 BMRC Singapore Institute of Food and Biotechnology Innovation Associations between oral processing, saliva, and bolus properties on daily glucose excursions amongst people at risk of type-2 diabetes Ai Ting Goh, Jiali Yao, Xin Hui Chua, Clare Whitton, Rob M. van Dam, Ciaran G. Forde Food & Function
22 Aug 2022 BMRC Singapore Institute of Food and Biotechnology Innovation Independent and combined impact of texture manipulation on oral processing behaviours among faster and slower eaters R. Janani, Vicki Wei Kee Tan, Ai Ting Goh, Michelle Jie Ying Choy, Amanda JiaYing Lim, Pey Sze Teo, Markus Stieger, Ciaran G. Forde Food & Function
14 Mar 2022 BMRC Singapore Institute of Food and Biotechnology Innovation Texture-based differences in eating rate influence energy intake for minimally processed and ultra-processed meals Pey Sze Teo, Amanda JiaYing Lim, Ai Ting Goh, Janani R, Jie Ying Michelle Choy, Keri McCrickerd, Ciarán G Forde The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
2 Jul 2021 BMRC Singapore Institute of Food and Biotechnology Innovation Masticatory function after comprehensive dental treatment in children with severe early childhood caries Jessica S. Y. Khong, Ai Ting Goh, Yu Fan Sim, Bien Wen Pui Lai, Ciaran G. Forde, Catherine H.L. Hong International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry
9 Jun 2021 BMRC Singapore Institute of Food and Biotechnology Innovation Impact of Individual Differences in Eating Rate on Oral Processing, Bolus Properties and Post-Meal Glucose Responses Ai Ting Goh, Georgia Chatonidi, Michelle Choy, Shalini Ponnalagu, Markus Stieger, Ciaran G. Forde Physiology & Behavior
2 Jan 2021 BMRC Singapore Institute of Food and Biotechnology Innovation Increased oral processing and a slower eating rate increase glycaemic, insulin and satiety responses to a mixed meal tolerance test Ai Ting Goh, Jie Ying Michelle Choy, Xin Hui Chua, Shalini Ponnalagu, Chin Meng Khoo, Clare Whitton, Rob Martinus van Dam, Ciarán Gerard Forde European Journal of Nutrition
27 Mar 2020 BMRC Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences Eating behaviors moderate the associations between risk factors in the first 1000 days and adiposity outcomes at 6 years of age Anna Fogel, Keri McCrickerd, Izzuddin M. Aris, Ai Ting Goh, Yap-Seng Chong, Kok Hian Tan, Fabian Yap, Lynette P. Shek, Michael J. Meaney, Birit F. P. Broekman, Keith M. Godfrey, Mary F. F. Chong, Shirong Cai, Wei Wei Pang, Wen Lun Yuan, Yung Seng Lee, Ciaran G. Forde The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
4 Nov 2019 BMRC Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences Basal Metabolic Rate and Body Composition Predict Habitual Food and Macronutrient Intakes: Gender Differences Xinyan BI, Ciaran G. Forde, Ai Ting Goh, Christiani Jeyakumar Henry Nutrients
16 Jul 2019 BMRC Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences Maternal feeding practices and children's food intake during an ad libitum buffet meal: Results from the GUSTO cohort. Lisa R. Fries, Mei June Chan, Phaik Ling Quah, Jia Ying Toh, Anna Fogel, Ai Ting Goh, Izzuddin M. Aris, Birit F.P. Broekman, Shirong Cai, Mya Thway Tint, Yap Seng Chong, Lynette P. Shek, Yung Seng Lee, Fabian Yap, Kok Hian Tan, Peter D. Gluckman, Keith M. Godfrey, Irma Silva-Zolezzi, Ciaran G. Forde, Mary F. F. Chong Appetite