A Feasibility Study on Underwater 2D Localization Using PZT pMUTs

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Checked on Dec 15, 2024
A Feasibility Study on Underwater 2D Localization Using PZT pMUTs
A Feasibility Study on Underwater 2D Localization Using PZT pMUTs
Journal Title:
2023 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS)
Publication Date:
12 November 2023
Sarafianou, M., Chen, D. S.-H., Sze Wai Choong, D., Goh, D. J., Liu, J., Lee, J. E.-Y., Merugu, S., Zhang, Q. X., Chang, P. H. K., Giusti, D., Castoldi, L., Pedrini, C., Barabani, L., Leotti, A., Hur, Y. J., & Lung Lee, Y. (2023). A Feasibility Study on Underwater 2D Localization Using PZT pMUTs. 2023 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 1–4. https://doi.org/10.1109/ius51837.2023.10306970
This work presents, for the first time, underwater 2D localization of a reflector through only two pulse-echo measurements using a trilateration methodology with a pair of lead zirconate titanate (PZT) piezoelectric micromachined ultrasonic transducer (pMUT) arrays. A matched filter method is used to compute the range values for the received signals. Trilateration is employed to determined the absolute location of the reflector via the estimated range values through the use of the geometry of circles. Experimental data are collected using two PZT pMUTs, which exhibit impressive transmit and received sensitivities, immersed in a FC-70 fluid for the validation of the method with the results highlighting the suitability of the proposed method for underwater 2D acoustic object localization paving the way for the use of pMUTs towards new immersion applications.
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Publisher Copyright
Funding Info:
This research / project is supported by the Agency for Science, Technology and Research - Piezo Specialty Lab-in-a-Fab (LIF 1.0)
Grant Reference no. : I1901E0050
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