Teo, J. Y. Q., Tan, M. Y., Safanama, D., Chien, S. W., Jiang, Y., Queh, L., Tan, T. T. Y., Ding, N., Fam, D. W. H., & Lim, J. Y. C. (2024). A cradle-to-cradle approach for successive upcycling of polyethylene to polymer electrolytes to organic acids. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 12(32), 20947–20957. https://doi.org/10.1039/d4ta02178a
We demonstrate the post-synthetic conversion of polyethylene into functional polymer electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries. To avoid end-of-life polymer electrolytes contributing to polymer waste, we further upcycle them into useful organic acids.
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Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)
Funding Info:
This research / project is supported by the National Research Foundation, Singapore - NRF Fellowship
Grant Reference no. : NRF-NRFF15-2023-0007
This research / project is supported by the Agency for Science, Technology and Research - AME Programmatic Grant - structural power for portable and electrified transportation
Grant Reference no. : A20H3b0140