Chen, S., Lin, D. J. X., Lim, B. C., & Ho, P. (2024). Mn-based noncollinear antiferromagnets and altermagnets. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 57(44), 443001.
Antiferromagnets and altermagnets, with robustness, scalability and topological properties, emerge as promising contenders for next-generation spintronics, quantum and terahertz communication applications. Recent strides in Mn-based noncollinear antiferromagnetic (AF) and altermagnetic (AL) material platforms showcase remarkable progress and fascinating discoveries, such as in spin–orbit and tunnelling phenomena, affirming the viability of AF and AL-centric spintronic devices. This review explores the latest advancements in noncollinear Mn3X (X= Pt, Ir, Sn, Ga, Ge) AF and MnY (Y = F2, O2, Si0.6, Te) AL materials, wherein the quintessential phenomena originate from their intricate crystal structures. For the former, the article delves into their growth techniques, physical properties, as well as advancements in the electrical manipulation of AF order and multimodal electrical, optical, and thermal detection. For the latter, the review encapsulates theoretical understanding and experimental demonstration of AL materials and device physics pertinent to promising applications. This serves to direct efforts towards the imminent realization of AF and AL active elements in replacement of conventional ferromagnetic materials in spintronic devices.
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Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Funding Info:
This research / project is supported by the A*STAR - Career Development Fund (CDF)
Grant Reference no. : C210812017
This research / project is supported by the A*STAR - RIE2025 Manufacturing, Trade and Connectivity Individual Research Grant (IRG)
Grant Reference no. : M23M6c0101
This is the Accepted Manuscript version of an article accepted for publication in Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The Version of Record is available online at 10.1088/1361-6463/ad632b.