Mei, S., Guan, L. T., & Lin, Z. (2023, December 5). Characterization of FOWLP Antenna in Packages. 2023 IEEE 25th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC).
The Antenna in Package (AiP) based on Fan-Out Wafer-
Level-Packaging (FOWLP) enables compact beam steering solutions for Satcom On the Move (SOTM)
and 5G applications. This paper presents the characterization of such AiPs in terms of S
parameters, Gain and patterns as well as its building circuits of microstrip line and power
dividers at the 27-31GHz SOTM band. The 6mmx6mmx0.384mm AiP element shows a measured Return Loss
(RL) of >11.5dB, Isolation >19.8dB, Gain of 5.1-6.8dBi over 27-31GHz as well as pure V and
H dual polarizations; The 12mmx12mmx0.384mm AiP 2x2 array achieves pure V polarizations with
a measured RL of >9dB and Gain of 8.1- 10.8dBi over 27-31GHz.
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Funding Info:
This research / project is supported by the A*STAR - IAF-ICP project: mmWAVE PHASED ARRAY
Grant Reference no. : 11901E0045)