Long-Range High-Resolution Imaging With Silicon-on-Nothing ScAlN pMUTs

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Long-Range High-Resolution Imaging With Silicon-on-Nothing ScAlN pMUTs
Long-Range High-Resolution Imaging With Silicon-on-Nothing ScAlN pMUTs
Journal Title:
IEEE Sensors Journal
Publication Date:
15 August 2023
Sarafianou, M., Choong, D. S. W., Chen, D. S.-H., Goh, D. J., Yao, Z., Sharma, J., Merugu, S., Ng, E. J., & Lee, J. E.-Y. (2023). Long-Range High-Resolution Imaging With Silicon-on-Nothing ScAlN pMUTs. IEEE Sensors Journal, 23(20), 24254–24263. https://doi.org/10.1109/jsen.2023.3302354
This work demonstrates the imaging capabilities of a silicon-on-nothing (SON) ScAlN piezoelectric micromachined ultrasonic transducer (pMUT) array by a method of transmit beamforming followed by suitable signal postprocessing for 3-D image reconstruction. A 2.7-MHz pMUT array with 15% scandium-doped aluminum nitride (ScAlN) as the piezo thin film was implemented for this demonstration. A total of 163×3 -mm dies consisting of 34×37 pMUT elements per die and operated as dual channels were arranged in an eight-column × two-row array configuration, resulting in a 32-channel experimental system with a 24×6 -mm coverage. In this work, experimental testing using single and multiple 6-mm-diameter reflectors at a different spacing from each other and a distance of 2.5 cm from the array was performed to validate the 3-D imaging capabilities of the developed 2-D SON ScAlN pMUT array with an attained lateral resolution of 5 mm.
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Publisher Copyright
Funding Info:
This research / project is supported by the A*STAR - Piezo Specialty Lab-in-a-Fab
Grant Reference no. : I1901E0050

This research / project is supported by the A*STAR - Nanosystems at the Edge
Grant Reference no. : A18A4b0055
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