Wang, J., Xu, H., Gao, H., & McDowell, D. L. (2024). Multiscale modeling of crystal defects in structural materials. MRS Bulletin, 49(3), 224–235.
Defects in crystals influence and control many relevant material properties. It is essential to employ multiscale modeling to understand structure and evolution of crystal defects. Most multiscale modeling schemes are hierarchical in nature, typically passing results from modeling conducted at each successive length/time scale to the next higher scale(s), with the intent to inform model parameters or instruct the form of reduced-order models. Here, we briefly review some pertinent hierarchical multiscale modeling advances for fundamentals of crystal defects.
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This research / project is supported by the A*STAR - Advanced Models for Additive Manufacturing (AM2)
Grant Reference no. : M22L2b0111
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