Nonahal, M., Horder, J., Gale, A., Ding, L., Li, C., Hennessey, M., Ha, S. T., Toth, M., & Aharonovich, I. (2023). Deterministic Fabrication of a Coupled Cavity–Emitter System in Hexagonal Boron Nitride. Nano Letters, 23(14), 6645–6650.
Light–matter interactions in optical cavities underpin many applications of integrated quantum photonics. Among various solid-state platforms, hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) is gaining considerable interest as a compelling van der Waals host of quantum emitters. However, progress to date has been limited by an inability to engineer simultaneously an hBN emitter and a narrow-band photonic resonator at a predetermined wavelength. Here, we overcome this problem and demonstrate deterministic fabrication of hBN nanobeam photonic crystal cavities with high quality factors over a broad spectral range (∼400 to 850 nm). We then fabricate a monolithic, coupled cavity–emitter system designed for a blue quantum emitter that has an emission wavelength of 436 nm and is induced deterministically by electron beam irradiation of the cavity hotspot. Our work constitutes a promising path to scalable on-chip quantum photonics and paves the way to quantum networks based on van der Waals materials.
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Funding Info:
This research / project is supported by the A*STAR - AME-YIRG
Grant Reference no. : A2084c0177
This research / project is supported by the A*STAR - MTC Programatic
Grant Reference no. : M21J9b0085