S. M. Lim and L. Gobeawan, “Hybrid mass-spring L-system for modelling tree interactions with environment,” in 10th In- ternational Conference on Functional-Structural Plant Models (FSPM2023) (T.-W. Chen, A. F. K. Kahlen, and H. Sttzel, eds.), pp. 102–103, Mar 2023
Tree model accuracy in digital twin cities is increasingly crucial for urban planning. Specifically, a tree model that considers the growth process and its responses to the environment may inform decision makers and provide recommendations on tree management and safety issues such as falling trees, obstructing branches, tree pruning and shades. Existing L-System-based tree modelling techniques (Yi et al., 2018) (Stava et al., 2014) focus on implementing tree growth processes without accounting for the trees’ continued mechanical responses to external forces and tropisms, after growth. Accounting for such responses will allow for more accurate tree models, which is important for urban tree planning. On the other hand, (Moulton et al., 2020) and (Hädrich et al., 2017) resolve this by modelling tree stems as inextensible elastic rods and particles respectively but neither integrates the domain knowledge of botanical growth processes such as branching patterns. (Jirasek et al., 2000) is similar to our work and they incorporate L-Systems while using equations involving moments to compute the rotation of the internodes. However this model does not account for the tree parts becoming stiffer and the possibility of branch breaking. Our model of incorporating L-Systems and the Mass-Spring system will allow us to keep track of nodal information while accounting for both biological growth processes and mechanical processes, thus it is more suitable for urban tree planning.
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Funding Info:
This research / project is supported by the National Research Foundation, Singapore - Joint New Zealand - Singapore Data Science Research Programme
Grant Reference no. : SDSC-2020-002