Graziosi, S., Faludi, J., Stanković, T., Borgianni, Y., Meisel, N., Hallstedt, S. I., & Rosen, D. W. (2024). A vision for sustainable additive manufacturing. Nature Sustainability.
Radical technological innovations are emerging in response to
environmental, economic and geopolitical pressures. This affects how
we design and manufacture new solutions. Additive manufacturing,
one of the enabling technologies of the digital transition, can support
more-sustainable manufacturing processes if developed through a
system-level approach. In this Perspective, we adopt such an approach:
we propose to use established sustainable design methods to innovate
additive manufacturing systems and to consider how to make additive
manufacturing an enabler of sustainable design in combination with
conventional manufacturing. We then discuss how to implement our vision
to enable additive manufacturing for sustainability.
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