Sugii, S., Wong, C. Y. Q., Lwin, A. K. O., & Chew, L. J. M. (2022). Reassessment of adipocyte technology for cellular agriculture of alternative fat. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 21(5), 4146–4163. Portico.
AbstractAlternative proteins, such as cultivated meat, have recently attracted significant attention as novel and sustainable food. Fat tissue/cell is an important component of meat that makes organoleptic and nutritional contributions. Although adipocyte biology is relatively well investigated, there is limited focus on the specific techniques and strategies to produce cultivated fat from agricultural animals. In the assumed standard workflow, stem/progenitor cell lines are derived from tissues of animals, cultured for expansion, and differentiated into mature adipocytes. Here, we compile information from literature related to cell isolation, growth, differentiation, and analysis from bovine, porcine, chicken, other livestock, and seafood species. A diverse range of tissue sources, cell isolation methods, cell types, growth media, differentiation cocktails, and analytical methods for measuring adipogenic levels were used across species. Based on our analysis, we identify opportunities and challenges in advancing new technology era toward producing “alternative fat” that is suitable for human consumption.
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Publisher Copyright
Funding Info:
This research is supported by core funding from: BMRC
Grant Reference no. : Intramural
This research / project is supported by the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) / A*STAR - Singapore Food Story R&D Programme (1st Alternative Protein Seed Challenge)
Grant Reference no. : W20W2D0016
This research / project is supported by the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) / A*STAR - Singapore Food Story R&D Programme (IAF-PP on Future Foods “CRISP Meats” )
Grant Reference no. : H20H8a0003
This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Sugii, S., Wong, C. Y. Q., Lwin, A. K. O., & Chew, L. J. M. (2022). Reassessment of adipocyte technology for cellular agriculture of alternative fat. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 21(5), 4146–4163. Portico.
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