Skin ageing and topical rejuvenation strategies

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Skin ageing and topical rejuvenation strategies
Skin ageing and topical rejuvenation strategies
Journal Title:
British Journal of Dermatology
Publication Date:
07 August 2023
Griffiths, T. W., Watson, R. E. B., & Langton, A. K. (2023). Skin ageing and topical rejuvenation strategies. British Journal of Dermatology, 189(Supplement_1), i17–i23.
Abstract Skin ageing is a complex process involving the additive effects of skin’s interaction with its external environment, predominantly chronic sun exposure, upon a background of time-dependent intrinsic ageing. Skin health and beauty is considered one of the principal factors perceived to represent overall ‘health and wellbeing’; thus, the demand for skin rejuvenation strategies has rapidly increased, with a worldwide annual expenditure expected to grow from $US24.6 billion to around $US44.5 billion by 2030 ( Skin rejuvenation can be achieved in several ways, ranging from laser and device-based treatments to chemical peels and injectables; however, topical skin care regimes are a mainstay treatment for ageing skin and all patients seeking skin rejuvenation can benefit from this relatively low-risk intervention. While the most efficacious topical rejuvenation treatment is application of tretinoin (all-trans retinoic acid) – a prescription-only medicine considered to be the clinical ‘gold standard’ – a hybrid category of ‘cosmeceutical’ products at the midpoint of the spectrum of cosmetics and pharmaceutical has emerged. This article reviews the clinical manifestations of skin ageing and the available topical treatments for skin rejuvenation, including retinoids, peptides and antioxidants.
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Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Funding Info:
There was no specific funding for the research done
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