Hermawan, A., Alviani, V. N., Wibisono, & Seh, Z. W. (2023). Fundamentals, rational catalyst design, and remaining challenges in electrochemical NO reduction reaction. IScience, 26(8), 107410. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2023.107410
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions carry pernicious consequences on air quality and human health, prompting an upsurge of interest in eliminating them from the atmosphere. The electrochemical NOx reduction reaction (NOxRR) is among the promising techniques for NOx removal and potential conversion into valuable chemical feedstock with high conversion efficiency while benefiting energy conservation. However, developing efficient and stable electrocatalysts for NOxRR remains an arduous challenge. This review provides a comprehensive survey of recent advancements in NOxRR, encompassing the underlying fundamentals of the reaction mechanism and rationale behind the design of electrocatalysts using computational modeling and experimental efforts. The potential utilization of NOxRR in a Zn-NOx battery is also explored as a proof of concept for concurrent NOx abatement, NH3 synthesis, and decarbonizing energy generation. Despite significant strides in this domain, several hurdles still need to be resolved in developing efficient and long-lasting electrocatalysts for NOx reduction. These possible means are necessary to augment the catalytic activity and electrocatalyst selectivity and surmount the challenges of catalyst deactivation and corrosion. Furthermore, sustained research and development of NOxRR could offer a promising solution to the urgent issue of NOx pollution, culminating in a cleaner and healthier environment.
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Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Funding Info:
This research is supported by core funding from: SERC
Grant Reference no. : NA
Acknowledged financial support from The Indonesia Endowment Funds for Education and National Research and Innovation Agency under Riset dan Inovasi untuk Indonesia Maju (RIIM) with grant number 82/II.7/HK/2022. The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) through a Grant-in-Aid for a Research Activity Start-up (No. 21K21329).