Final report on APMP attenuation key comparison APMP.EM.RF-K19.CL: Attenuation at 60 MHz and 5 GHz using a Type N step attenuator

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Final report on APMP attenuation key comparison APMP.EM.RF-K19.CL: Attenuation at 60 MHz and 5 GHz using a Type N step attenuator
Final report on APMP attenuation key comparison APMP.EM.RF-K19.CL: Attenuation at 60 MHz and 5 GHz using a Type N step attenuator
Journal Title:
Publication Date:
25 September 2010
Qiulai, G., Weijun, L., Lee, J.-G., Widarta, A., Chow, M. W. K., Wu, T., Grady, S., Prozesky, M., Dressler, E., Patel, K., Negi, P. S., Wichianmongkonkun, C., & Chanvichitkul, M. (2010). Final report on APMP attenuation key comparison APMP.EM.RF-K19.CL: Attenuation at 60 MHz and 5 GHz using a Type N step attenuator. Metrologia, 47(1A), 01015–01015.
The APMP key comparison on attenuation, APMP.EM.RF-K19.CL, is a linking comparison to CCEM.RF-K19.CL, to link attenuation results between APMP and CCEM in order to support the CMC claims of some laboratories who did not participate in the CCEM attenuation comparison. The measurement ranges and frequencies were the same as in the associated CCEM comparison, and the travelling standard that was used in the APMP comparison was the same model as one of the two travelling standards used in the CCEM attenuation comparison. There were nine participant laboratories in the comparison including six linking laboratories that had participated in the CCEM attenuation comparison. The comparison pilot laboratory was NIM, China. The report of the comparison presents the linking results, the method of the linking calculation and the analysis of uncertainty contributions which affect the linking correction values. The results show that the travelling standard was stable during the period of time of the measurement loop and the results from linking laboratories were in fairly good agreement after discarding a couple of outlier points. The measurement results from the laboratories having participated in the APMP comparison only show a good degree of equivalence with the CCEM key comparison reference value except for one point. The key point is the calculation of the linking correction values. The question of identifying outliers from measurement results of linking laboratories was considered carefully in the report. The measurement results from linking laboratories were not used in the calculation of the correction values if the difference between APMP and CCEM measurement results, or measurement results in the CCEM comparison, were outliers. The 'median method' was used to identify the outliers. The calculated results show that the process of outlier identification was reasonable and reliable.
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There was no specific funding for the research done