Yang, Z., Zhang, P., Zhang, H., Dong, H., Hu, D. J. J., & Yu, K. (2023). Robust method for BOTDA sensing information extraction in the Fourier transform domain. Applied Optics, 62(13), 3338. https://doi.org/10.1364/ao.486951
Most of the existing schemes for extracting the Brillouin frequency
shift (BFS) are based on the line shape of the Brillouin gain spectrum
(BGS) curve. However, in some circumstances, such as in this paper,
there is a cyclic shift in the BGS curve, causing difficulty in
obtaining the BFS accurately with traditional methods. To solve this
problem, we propose a method for extracting Brillouin optical time
domain analyzer sensing information in the transform domain—the
fast Fourier Lorentz curve fitting method. It shows better performance
especially when the cyclic start frequency is near the BGS central
frequency position or when the full width at half maximum is large.
The results show that our method can obtain BGS parameters more
accurately in most cases than the Lorenz curve fitting method.
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Publisher Copyright
Funding Info:
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities
(021314380211); China Association for Science and Technology.