Mathew, L. K., Nagavarapu, S. C., & Abraham, A. (2022). Design and implementation of a Joint Sensing & Communication System for Connected Autonomous Vehicles. 2022 17th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV).
Smart mobility is a rising technology to provide a safe and efficient transportation system. Connected autonomous vehicles (AVs) are getting tremendous attention while considered smart mobility due to their emerging nature. However, new hybrid and compact technologies are necessary to provide multiple services in less space and low cost and significantly improve the safety of the vehicles. The joint sensing and communication (SensCom) platform is a potential solution for integrated sensing and communication activity for connected AVs. In this paper, we developed a SensCom hardware platform to enable sensing and communication together. We have demonstrated through a working model that the mutual interference of sensing and communication signals can be easily mitigated, and thus both the functionalities can be achieved using the same hardware.
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