Self-Training Vision Language BERTs with a Unified Conditional Model

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Self-Training Vision Language BERTs with a Unified Conditional Model
Self-Training Vision Language BERTs with a Unified Conditional Model
Journal Title:
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology
Publication Date:
10 January 2023
Yang, X., Lv, F., Liu, F., & Lin, G. (2023). Self-Training Vision Language BERTs with a Unified Conditional Model. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 1–1.
Natural language BERTs are trained with language corpus in a self-supervised manner. Unlike natural language BERTs, vision language BERTs need paired data to train, which restricts the scale of VL-BERT pretraining. We propose a self-training approach that allows training VL-BERTs from unlabeled image data. The proposed method starts with our unified conditional model – a vision language BERT model that can perform zero-shot conditional generation. Given different conditions, the unified conditional model can generate captions, dense captions, and even questions.We use the labeled image data to train a teacher model and use the trained model to generate pseudo captions on unlabeled image data. We then combine the labeled data and pseudo labeled data to train a student model. The process is iterated by putting the student model as a new teacher. By using the proposed self-training approach and only 300k unlabeled extra data, we are able to get competitive or even better performances compared to the models of similar model size trained with 3 million extra image data.
License type:
Publisher Copyright
Funding Info:
This research / project is supported by the AI Singapore - AI Singapore Programme
Grant Reference no. : AISG-RP-2018-003

This research / project is supported by the Ministry of Education - AcRF Tier-1
Grant Reference no. : RG95/20

OPPO research grant
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