Diarisation using location tracking with agglomerative clustering

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Diarisation using location tracking with agglomerative clustering
Diarisation using location tracking with agglomerative clustering
Journal Title:
Spoken Language Technology Workshop
Publication URL:
Publication Date:
09 January 2023
Previous works have shown that spatial location information can be complementary to speaker embeddings for a speaker diarisation task. However, the models used often assume that speakers are fairly stationary throughout a meeting. This paper proposes to relax this assumption, by explicitly modelling the movements of speakers within an Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering (AHC) diarisation framework. Kalman filters, which track the locations of speakers, are used to compute log-likelihood ratios that contribute to the cluster affinity computations for the AHC merging and stopping decisions. Experiments show that the proposed approach is able to yield improvements on a Microsoft rich meeting transcription task, compared to methods that do not use location information or that make stationarity assumptions.
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Publisher Copyright
Funding Info:
There was no specific funding for the research done
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