Three-dimensional integral non-periodic woven composite structures are promising solutions to critical structural applications in aerospace and fusion energy. However, realizing a tailored 3D integral woven architecture to meet a given performance metric is extremely challenging. This is due to the nondeterministic polynomial-time (NP) nature of the combinatorial design problem of arranging the discrete tow location variables of a woven structure, leading to a challenging design process typically based on trial-and-error and relying on human intuition. To address this challenge, we propose a background vector method that is capable of efficiently and quickly tailoring 3D non-periodic woven architectures with no limitations on the design scale. This method procedurally generates new structures by systematically incorporating reinforcement requirements, such as through-thickness reinforcement and the tow alignment along principal load paths, into background vector fields. The tow layout is deterministically generated by orienting the tow path vectors along the background vectors. Output designs can be tuned for different loading applications and reinforcing priorities by changing the weighting parameters of different fields accordingly. Hierarchical application of the background vector method, in which the method is applied at different local regions, can be enable the design complex geometries including internal cavities and tapered profiles. Finally, we will demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed method by illustrating case studies such as the design of cantilevered beams.
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Funding Info:
This research / project is supported by the A*STAR - Career Development Fund (CDF)
Grant Reference no. : C210112026