Dual Polarized FOWLP AiP for 5G Base Station Applications

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Dual Polarized FOWLP AiP for 5G Base Station Applications
Dual Polarized FOWLP AiP for 5G Base Station Applications
Journal Title:
2021 IEEE 23rd Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC)
Publication Date:
05 January 2022
Mei, S., & Guan, L. T. (2021). Dual Polarized FOWLP AiP for 5G Base Station Applications. 2021 IEEE 23rd Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC). https://doi.org/10.1109/eptc53413.2021.9663942
This paper presents Fan-Out Wafer-Level-Packaging (FOWLP) based dual polarized Antenna-in-Package (AiP) array for 5 G base station applications. The AiP features the double molding chip facing up configuration with the heat sink to cater for high power applications. The AiP 2 × 2 array design and its method of forming scalable array are illustrated. The AiP element features meta-surface radiator and two sets of orthogonally arranged power divider aperture feeds to achieve the wideband performance and pure dual polarizations. With a size of 6.75 mm × 6.75 mm × 0.742 mm it shows a Return Loss >15 dB, an Isolation >20 dB, a Gain of 5.68-6.6dBi over the 24.25-27.5 GHz as well as pure dual polarized patterns; when integrated with chip by bond wires the AiP element keeps Isolation and pattern performance and has a Return Loss >11.5 dB and Gain of 5.38-6.5dBi over the same bandwidth.
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Publisher Copyright
Funding Info:
This research / project is supported by the A*STAR - IAF-ICP
Grant Reference no. : I1901E0045
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