Pressure Sensor Substrate for Prolonged Sitting and Posture Monitoring

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Pressure Sensor Substrate for Prolonged Sitting and Posture Monitoring
Pressure Sensor Substrate for Prolonged Sitting and Posture Monitoring
Journal Title:
2021 IEEE 23rd Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC)
Publication Date:
05 January 2022
Lim, R., & Sikkandhar, M. (2021). Pressure Sensor Substrate for Prolonged Sitting and Posture Monitoring. 2021 IEEE 23rd Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC).
Sedentary lifestyle such as prolonged sitting is becoming a norm for modern society as more jobs are becoming sedentary in nature. Prolong sitting will cause an increased risk of developing various health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, certain type of cancers and musculoskeletal disorders. Poor sitting posture resulted from prolong sitting further increase the stress on joint and spines which result in severe spinal issue. Thus, it is critical to monitor the individual sitting duration and posture in order to prevent complications arises from prolonged sitting behavior. In this work, a pressure-sensing substrate connected to a circuitry board and a graphical user interface application has been proposed for sitting duration and posture monitoring. An alert will be provider to user upon prolong sitting duration and poor posture detected. This aims to help user adjust their posture and potentially prevent complications arises due to prolong sitting. The proposed device, is observed to have an average error of 4.7% and 12.4% for repeatability and uniformity testing respectively, for applied force of up till 75 gram. Pressure distribution mapping on the GUI has been validated using standard weights.
License type:
Publisher Copyright
Funding Info:
This research is supported by core funding from: SERC
Grant Reference no. : N.A.
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