Development, Testing, and Integration of Silicon and Glass Substrates for Advanced Ion Trap Design

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Development, Testing, and Integration of Silicon and Glass Substrates for Advanced Ion Trap Design
Development, Testing, and Integration of Silicon and Glass Substrates for Advanced Ion Trap Design
Journal Title:
2021 IEEE 16th Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (NMDC)
Publication Date:
21 January 2022
Zhao, P., Lim, Y. D., Li, H. Y., Tao, J., Guidoni, L., & Tan, C. S. (2021). Development, Testing, and Integration of Silicon and Glass Substrates for Advanced Ion Trap Design. 2021 IEEE 16th Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (NMDC).
Surface electrode ion trap is a promising candidate for quantum information processing (QIP), due to its feasibilities towards large-scale fabrication and on-chip electro-optical integration. In this paper, surface electrode ion traps on different substrates (e.g., high-resistivity silicon, silicon with ground plane and glass) are fabricated, assembled and tested. To simultaneously leverage the established fabrication technique of silicon and superior insulation property of glass, we further demonstrate a novel ion trap design with heterogenous integration of silicon and glass, acting respectively as ion trap and interposer substrates. The vertical connection between the silicon ion trap and the glass interposer is achieved by through silicon via (TSV) and micro bump. This silicon-glass integrated system advances the development of ion trap and enriches the toolbox of scalable QIP.
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Publisher Copyright
Funding Info:
This research / project is supported by the A*STAR - Programmatic - QTE - 3D interconnects and multi-chip interposer platform for scalable quantum computing
Grant Reference no. : A1685b0005
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