Cmos-Mems SC0.12AL0.88N-Based Pyroelectric Infared Detector with CO2 Gas Sensing

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Cmos-Mems SC0.12AL0.88N-Based Pyroelectric Infared Detector with CO2 Gas Sensing
Cmos-Mems SC0.12AL0.88N-Based Pyroelectric Infared Detector with CO2 Gas Sensing
Journal Title:
2021 IEEE 34th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS)
Publication Date:
15 March 2021
Ng, D. K. T., Ho, C.-P., Xu, L., Zhang, T., Siow, L.-Y., Ng, E. J., Cai, H., Zhang, Q., & Lee, L. Y. T. (2021). Cmos-Mems SC0.12AL0.88N-Based Pyroelectric Infared Detector with CO2 Gas Sensing. 2021 IEEE 34th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS).
Pyroelectric IR detector is fabricated using ScAlN with 12% doped Sc as the pyroelectric sensing material. Dielectric layers that act as absorber are added on top of the ScAlN to help in IR absorption. This ScAlN-based pyroelectric detector is characterized by illumination from a MEMS thermal emitter with a sinusoidal input waveform. D* is measured to be as high as 1.87 x 10 7 (cm√Hz)/W at a frequency of 13 Hz. The optical absorptance of this device at 4.26 μm CO 2 gas absorption wavelength is around 0.75, measured using FTIR. CO 2 gas sensing measurement detects electrical signal changes of ~50-100 μV.
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Publisher Copyright
Funding Info:
This research / project is supported by the A*STAR - IAF-PP - Integrated Photonics Based Gas Sensors
Grant Reference no. : A1789a0024
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