28.5 A 0.6V/0.9V 26.6-to-119.3µW ΔΣ-Based Bio-Impedance Readout IC with 101.9dB SNR and <0.1Hz 1/f Corner

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28.5 A 0.6V/0.9V 26.6-to-119.3µW ΔΣ-Based Bio-Impedance Readout IC with 101.9dB SNR and <0.1Hz 1/f Corner
28.5 A 0.6V/0.9V 26.6-to-119.3µW ΔΣ-Based Bio-Impedance Readout IC with 101.9dB SNR and <0.1Hz 1/f Corner
Journal Title:
2021 IEEE International Solid- State Circuits Conference (ISSCC)
Publication Date:
03 March 2021
Zhang, T., Son, H., Gao, Y., Lan, J., & Heng, C.-H. (2021). 28.5 A 0.6V/0.9V 26.6-to-119.3µW ΔΣ-Based Bio-Impedance Readout IC with 101.9dB SNR and <0.1Hz 1/f Corner. 2021 IEEE International Solid- State Circuits Conference (ISSCC). https://doi.org/10.1109/isscc42613.2021.9365801
Bio-impedance (BioZ) is an important physiological parameter in wearable healthcare sensing. Besides the inherent cardiac and respiratory information, BioZ can be also used for other emerging applications such as non-invasive blood status sensing [1]. A conventional 4-electrode (4E) setup eliminates the effect of electrode-tissue impedance (ETI) at the expense of user comfort, system complexity, and cost. On the other hand, a 2-electrode (2E) setup avoids short-falls of 4E but can only capture relative changes of BioZ instead of its absolute value. In addition, a readout front-end (RFE) with wide dynamic range (DR) and high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is needed to deal with small BioZ variation (0.1~10Ω) as well as large baseline resistance (>10kΩ). A conventional RFE architecture employing an instrumentation amplifier (IA) and ADC has to trade-off between resolution, DR and noise [2,3]. Although flicker noise in the current generator (CG) is mitigated through dynamic element matching (DEM) [2], the reference current (IREF) noise issue remains unaddressed. In [5], digital-assisted baseline cancellation and IREF correlated noise cancellation are proposed, which help eliminate IREF noise and input-dependent noise [4] due to the large signal in the current-balance instrumentation amplifier (CBIA). Nevertheless, larger noise is still observed due to the finite residual current (I res ) from the baseline cancellation.
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Publisher Copyright
Funding Info:
This research / project is supported by the A*STAR - Programmatic - Cyber-Physicalchemical Interfaces
Grant Reference no. : A18A1b0045
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