Multiscale Modeling of Al0.7Sc0.3N-based FeRAM: the Steep Switching, Leakage and Selector-free Array

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Multiscale Modeling of Al0.7Sc0.3N-based FeRAM: the Steep Switching, Leakage and Selector-free Array
Multiscale Modeling of Al0.7Sc0.3N-based FeRAM: the Steep Switching, Leakage and Selector-free Array
Journal Title:
2021 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM)
Publication Date:
09 March 2022
Liu, C., Wang, Q., Yang, W., Cao, T., Chen, L., Li, M., Liu, F., Loke, D. K., Kang, J., & Zhu, Y. (2021). Multiscale Modeling of Al0.7Sc0.3N-based FeRAM: the Steep Switching, Leakage and Selector-free Array. 2021 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM).
In this work, by experiments and material calculations, the steep polarization switching and the leakage in ferroelectric Al0.7Sc0.3 N are investigated. The material calculations suggest that the tight distribution of the coercive field is attributed to highly uniform material with well-aligned domains. The electron emission and hopping assisted by N vacancies in the Al0.7Sc0.3 N layer dominate the leakage current. For the first time, a circuit model of Al0.7Sc0.3 N -based FeRAM, reflecting the frequency dependent coercive field and leakage, is established to project the behavior of the selector- free array, and analyzing the dependence of the latency and the read window on the device area, line resistance and the array size.
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Publisher Copyright
Funding Info:
This research / project is supported by the A*STAR - Programmatic - Ferroelectric Aluminum Scandium Nitride (Al1-xScxN) Thin Films and Devices for mm-Wave and Edge Computing (WP6)
Grant Reference no. : A20G9b0135
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