A Simulation Approach to Analyze Bridge-Defects in a 6T-SRAM Bit Cell

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A Simulation Approach to Analyze Bridge-Defects in a 6T-SRAM Bit Cell
A Simulation Approach to Analyze Bridge-Defects in a 6T-SRAM Bit Cell
Journal Title:
2022 6th IEEE Electron Devices Technology Manufacturing Conference (EDTM)
Publication Date:
21 June 2022
Ghosh, J., Lim, S. Y., Meftahul, F. Md., Jayavelu, S., & Thean, A. V.Y. (2022). A Simulation Approach to Analyze Bridge-Defects in a 6T-SRAM Bit Cell. 2022 6th IEEE Electron Devices Technology & Manufacturing Conference (EDTM). https://doi.org/10.1109/edtm53872.2022.9798365
The modern semiconductor technology node causes several failure analysis challenges of the current industry-standard tools to locate the physical defects. Here we discuss such defects in a 6T-SRAM cell. We combine bridge-defect modeling with SPICE simulations and machine learning technique for detect predictions across a node pair. We employ supervised learning algorithm trained with the measurable electrical attributes of the circuit to predict defect location. Then, we utilize t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE) technique to visualize the multi-dimensional data and interpret how several defect clusters behave. Our approach promises to improve the failure analysis in integrated circuits, enhancing the cycle of design to product.
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Publisher Copyright
Funding Info:
This research / project is supported by the A*STAR - Accelerated Materials Development for Manufacturing Program (AME Programmatic Fund)
Grant Reference no. : A1898b0043
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