Concave Array Ultrasonic Transducer From Multilayer Piezoelectric Ceramic for Photoacoustic Imaging

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Concave Array Ultrasonic Transducer From Multilayer Piezoelectric Ceramic for Photoacoustic Imaging
Concave Array Ultrasonic Transducer From Multilayer Piezoelectric Ceramic for Photoacoustic Imaging
Journal Title:
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control
Publication Date:
06 May 2021
Ke, Q., Liew, W. H., Zhang, L., Tan, C. Y., Jiang, C.-Y., Tan, C. K. I., & Yao, K. (2021). Concave Array Ultrasonic Transducer From Multilayer Piezoelectric Ceramic for Photoacoustic Imaging. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 68(8), 2760–2765. doi:10.1109/tuffc.2021.3077889
Implementation of piezoelectric multilayer ceramic (MLC) is an effective way to reduce impedance and improve performance of linear array transducer for ultrasonic system applications. However, the ultrasonic image derived from a planar linear array transducer generally suffers from degradation of lateral resolution and contrast. Here we designed and fabricated a focused 5-MHz 128-element linear array ultrasonic transducer with concave structure using 5-layered PNN-PZN-PMN-PZ-PT piezoelectric ceramic. The transducer showed a bandwidth of 63 % at -6 dB, and the lateral resolution up to 0.33 mm. An improved transmission signal of 90% higher than commercial single-layer ceramic transducer was also achieved. We further demonstrated a high-resolution photoacoustic imaging with the obtained concave linear array transducer.
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Publisher Copyright
Funding Info:
This research / project is supported by the National Research Foundation, Singapore - Competitive Research Programme of Singapore
Grant Reference no. : NRF-CRP15-2015-04
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